Monday, June 22, 2009

Randy Pausch

I am currently reading a book by Randy Pausch, it is call "THE LAST LECTURE". This book was first introduced to me by Jurcannie who told me that by simply reading this book, it will bring tears to your eye. The book cover has a rocket looking image on it which make the first impression to be kiddish. As i go about reading it i gain a better understanding on both the content itself and the author himself. This guy Randy was a professor from Carnegie Mellon and he teaches IT. In 2006 he was Diagnosed with Terminal Cancer and was expected to live for 3-6 months. After knowing his days were limited, he decided to write out this book as well as to conduct a Last Lecture to the students in Carnegie Mellon. During the leacture he will address the audience with his childhood dream, his journey in life as well as his love for his children. His real purpose was to give his children a chance to know him better even though he will no longer physically be there for them after his death. Sadly to say, i went to research on him and he passed away last year in July 2008. There are a few paragraph in the book which i find it inspiring and would like to share with you guys. 1) He met a waitress who got pregnant by accident so he wrote :" Here was a woman, having a child by accident that she surely would come to love. As for me, through the accident of cancer I will be leaving three children to grow up without my love." 2) When he found out his sickness, he mention :"All right, this is what it is. We can't change it. We just have to decide how we will respond. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Say " I DO "

A Gathering in the morning
Don't you think they look alike? On the way back to aunt's place to rest Amara Hotel

My lovely nephews "flower boys"

Private Affairs ~hee
Mummy's girl

Ain't they cute?
Rehearsal for the "Sword Ceremony"

A Apple Tequila for a Start
Ready for a March In

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Break Time

At this very moment i am actually in the office taking my lunch break. The offical time for our break is from 12.15 to 1pm. However for this company their culture is fairly different from the previous company that i have worked for. They pack their lunchies from the canteen and bring it back to the office to eat, there are no mingling between colleagues from another department and there are basically no life at all. My lifestyle has changed dramatically from a person who is so outgoing and enjoys talking to people to a person who hardly speak a few words a day to the surrounding wood blocks. People here are unbelieveable, they can keep most of their time to themselves and all they do is just isolating themselves in their own world. Even if you are to wave crasily and asking for help, i believe they might be quite reluctant to come by to assist you. Most importantly, people here are people who are literally stuck here for their entire life. It WOULD NOT be a surprise to come across people who worked for more than 24 years in this company. Is really GOD BLESS ME !!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Home for a Homeless Chicken

On Saturaday morning, i recieved a phone call from a company which i have been through 2 rounds of interview. First thing for the HR to ask me was:" you want good news or bad news?" Of course i will go for bad news first. He continue with:" well, in fact there are no bad news but only good news."~~ LAME~~ However, it was worth the price of having a few mins of a LAME event since i was offered a job!!!!
As mention above, home for a Homeless chicken had given me the sense of belonging. Searching in the mist for a home had felt like forever, so for now i can finally sit back and relax a bit from those tension. This new job will indicate a new beginning for a new chapter in my life.