Tuesday, March 29, 2011



LOve it.........

Saturday, March 19, 2011

MisSter represents Girl Power

MisSter is an awesome girl band from taiwan. I believe they will be the next big thing in the entertainment world. Especially with their androgynous image, fancy dance moves and sense of fashion, they definitely would bring the stereotypical girly image to the next level. Despite having both female and male characteristics that give a new flavor to the music world but also resemble the diversity of women, that bring out both their tough and gentle side. Certain people may see it as a confusion in sexuality but i totally disagree with that.With our generation now, there are no longer a definitive line between female and male. So what if females look tougher than males, or does not possess enough feminism. Who to blame? Face the fact, women can be better or as equally good as men.

How did i get to know about them was through the constant follow ups from carol's blog. She is one of the group member and once a week i will go on to her blog and check out her latest postings. Its like an obsession a friend of mine said, she thought i was a crazy fan who is stalking her life. Hello??? i am not insane ok, i am just curious about whats going on in her life and how she is doing? Since i am not her friend and we cant make any conversation so the only way in getting to know her more is to go onto her blog.
I love MisSter and CAROL! (quoted by my crazy friend who teases me all the time 24/7)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Making dream into reality

Racheal and i put on our braces in June last year. It was kinda crazy to have my cousin's gf doing the same thing at the same time. It was even crazier when i found out she have too been dreaming about putting on her braces since her teenage years. She was complaining about her dracula teeth while i was complaining about my bulky teeth. Be it what so ever reason we have, we both took years to make our dream into reality. I still remember when i was in my 15 or so, i was close to having my braces on. I had all the x rays and documents ready and left with the extraction of tooth. But when i got into the surgery room, i freaked out and back out at the very last min. That cowardy move eventually turn into regrets and never left since. Once your regards have taken root it will be almost impossible to remove it until you turn that regards into action. It took me alot of courage to finally come to my own consensus that its time to put my constant complain into work.