Wednesday, December 23, 2009

MA..... WHere IS my TedDy BeAr LaH

When was the last time you misses someone that is very dear to your heart? When was the last time you hug that someone before saying goodbye? When was the last time you thought that you dont care about them and when they go away you just misses them badly. When was the last time you say something sweet to that person and not knowing it would be the last time? Neither one of these points came into my mine before till now. There is this really unexplainable feeling that came into me today. It is like saying goodbye to your favorite teddy bear, one moment you are hugging it and the next it was gone (cos your mom find its too much of a salty/fishy smell that she could not stand it much longer). I thought i was able to handle goodbyes but in the end i was badly affected by it. I hate goodbyes as they hurt.....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Scaredi Cat !!!!!!!!

This morning i had my H1N1 Vaccination. Although i am now in my midz twenties but i am still quite fearful of taking jabs. Anything that has a sharp pointed ends will always give me a twinkling feeling as if i am being placed on the hanging stand waiting to be hang. I have once heard from a talk show, whatever that you are fearful of e.g. water, knifes,fire and etc. Most likely in your previous life you were caused by the death of it. Maybe i was once either being poke to death or stab to death thats why i am so fearful of all those pointed ends. ~ ZZZZ
Back to my H1N1 Jab! Because of this stupid jab, last night i could not stop my anxiety over this matter. I had nightmares and disturbance throughout the night. I either dreamt of lizards falling all over me or i kept waking up by an unknown fear. I cannot stop questioning myself on why i am such a scaredi cat. Even when i stood infront of the doctor who had a ready needle in his hand, i can't stopped asking for my reassurances from him by making him speaks with a few comforting words. "Dont worry, it will just be a quick jab, i will just poke it in and you will be fine before you know it."~sounded familiar yah, did i heard this before when i was still in my single digit years?